Excerpt of Insurance Conditions
Motor Civil Liability (Responsabilità Civile Auto – RCA).
In accordance with current laws (Legislative Decree no. 209 of 7 September 2005 and subsequent
modifications and additions), all vehicles used by Cars & Bikes are covered by RCA
insurance. These vehicles are insured with leading Italian insurance companies.
The RCA of the vehicles used by Cars & Bikes guarantees Motor Civil Liability insurance coverage
towards third parties with reference to people, things, and animals.
The person transported in the vehicle is treated as a third party.
The warranty does not cover:
– damage to person and property suffered by the driver;
– damage to property suffered by the driver’s family members and cohabitants. The insurance is not operational:
– if the driver is not authorized in accordance with the legal provisions in force;
– if the transport is not carried out in compliance with the provisions in force or with the indications of the registration
– in the case of a vehicle driven by a person who is intoxicated and/or under the influence of narcotic substances, or to whom a sanction has been applied pursuant to articles. 186 and 187 of the Highway Code.
The maximum guarantee is unique and complies with the limits established by current laws.